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Current Projects for 2022
Maintain the schools' buildings.
Educate and feed the children in , Ecole Saint-Anne, and Carnifice.
Pay teachers’ salaries.
Provide school supplies.
Provide $2,000 in Scholarship awards.
Health fairs, health forums, and youth events.
Assist the orphans in Haiti
During the year 2020, CERLAM has budgeted $3,500.00 to update the electrical structure of the Orphanage Notre Dame du Perpetuel Secours located at 19 Rue Sapotille, Pacot in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. This orphanage houses forty girls under eighteen years old. We are awaiting on some paperwork to be completed by the nun in charge, Soeur Luce Damus, to start this project. In November 2021 we shipped two large boxes of food and clothing for these children